Mosquitos have always loved to bite me to pieces so I loved and dreaded each summer growing up. They usually got me REALLY good on my toes, knuckles, elbow skin folds, you know…those crazy places that are so difficult to scratch. Then I’d draw blood from scratching so hard, so often. Mosquito bites caused me to look like a swollen strawberry from head to toe every beach season. No fun to look at in a bikini, caused boy’s eyes to be sore!


Swimming nude under the moonlight in a cool lake of New England? Forget it. I’d get bites where the sun never shined! I’ve hated mosquitos my whole life. Camping and horseback were my favorite summer time sports activities. Good grief! Horses attract every fly and bug on the planet. Then I’d be a swampland of bug spray or no horseback riding and the whole camping trip would be ruined without the dreadful thick, smelly OFF spray. Finally I know why those pesky mosquitos love me so much!


Sadly, I’m also fully aware of the toxicity years of bug spray did to me as I ingested orally through breathing as well as absorbed through my skin. My lymphatic system was infiltrated for months every year. No wonder we’ve grown up with so many ailments.

Today these videos caught my eye. I have always had good lymph movement and been a very active girl, so – sweat alot/easily, breathe out alot of Co2 (carbon dioxide) and possess Blood Type “O”? That’s me! No wonder mosquitos love eating me alive. How about that old andage, “you get bit more due to ‘sweet blood'”? Its a myth.

Female mosquitos need our blood protein to procreate. Here is the short list of what they sniff out:
Sweat, skin bacteria and lactic acid = yes
blood type O = yes
produce more carbon dioxide = yes
drinks beer = yes
pregnant = yes

Mosquitos are the most deadly creatures on the planet. The more we understand of what attracts them, mostly female mosquitos, the better we can prevent their bites.

D News Plus

Joseph Stromberg Interview



Honorable mention: Daily Mail : Why mosquitos bite you more than me

OILS WORKSHOP – Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, you will take your own bottle of natural pesky mosquito repellent home!