

The Past, Present and Future of Cupping

Cupping therapy is what many consider as a novelty therapy for all the right reasons. Imagine lying down in a clinic or alternative medicine center and having someone place cups on your back. That’s the basic premise and idea behind cupping but did you know that there’s a science behind cupping and whatever type of [...]

The Rising Interest in Colonics and colon Hydrotherapy

The whole idea of colon cleaning might sound a bit alien, but it has actually been an alternative medical practice stemming back to 1500BC and to the time of the greatest Greek philosophers. It has a pedigree similar to the ancient Chinese medicine and now it is making waves not just in the United States [...]

Colon Hydrotherapy Mixes Ancient Beliefs with Modern Technology

The ancient Greeks have believed that the colon is an important and integral element for man’s health. A clean colon eliminates the chances of a person getting sick. The belief here is that with continuous cleaning, the lesser the chances of feeling sick or suffering from maladies and ailments. The tradition and belief might have [...]

Colon Cleanse Might Just Save Your Life

Colon cleansing is a revived, proven addition to the world of alternative medicine. There are people who feel like this is just a trend that will blow away soon while others think that there will be negative side effects to the human body if this continues. Yet there have never been published cases of people [...]

Biofeedback and the Possibilities it Can Create for Mankind

You will know that a technology is good and will serve mankind the right way when from the onset it gives people more than just a way to get treated for whatever ails them. You know that a specific technology is worth its weight in gold if it gives the people using it, a chance [...]