

Dandelion ~ Liver Herb

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Part Used: Leaf & Root Effective Forms: Tea, Tincture, Capsules Spring brings warmer weather (hopefully) and rain, the intoxicating, wonderful smell of emerging plant growth, and of course those pesky weeds that invade our flowerbeds, gardens and lawns. Dandelion, despite its peskiness, has a long history of use and is considered a [...]


Cinnamon is one of the earliest known spices used by mankind. During the age of the "Spice Trade" it was known as Sweet Wood, one of the most sought after spices in the world. There are at least 94 volatile essential oils found in "true" cinnamon bark. Cinnamon verum contains higher levels of cinnamaldehyde and [...]

Natural Remedies First Aid Kit

We offer a workshop on making your own natural remedies first aid kit but here is a good one to start with.  Customize your kit for your family of course and always consult your local Herbalist and healthcare professional before using any herbs or tinctures. All of these items are readily available at health-food stores [...]