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What is a “Private Membership Association” (PMA)? If you know anything about holistic or alternative medicine, you know the AMA, FDA, FTC and the pharmaceutical companies make life difficult for anyone who tries to manufacture, promote or sell anything that actually helps people get well. They make so many laws that restrict what practitioners can do or say as well as which supplements can be offered to clients. Our goal at Renewed Health Associates is to offer information, therapies and products that work extremely well, to actually assist healing numerous health problems.

We have found a solution to a huge problem. Government agencies have a mandate to protect “the public” but have very little jurisdiction over the First and Fourteenth Amendment. By being a Private Membership Association (PMA), we are free to serve our Members with the help they so desperately need and seek. This is because the First and Fourteenth Amendments and equivalent provisions of the State Constitution, give you the right to associate with fellow jurisdiction, venue, and authority of State and/or Federal agencies. Joining a private membership association is a small price to pay for such a wonderful freedom – the freedom to take charge of your own health! Do you really desire the government to micro manage your healthcare choices?

We, along with other professional wellness centers locally and nationwide, are endeavoring to offer you a “choice” with alternative medicine and therapies.

To become a Member of our Lifetime Private Membership Association, we ask you read and complete our Membership Agreement upon your initial visit with us. Once you have become a Member, it will allow our practitioners, therapists and staff to offer you more comprehensive therapy options and the ability to purchase supplements if needed.

29990 Hunter Road : Suite 101
Murrieta CA 92563